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Venezuela refuses to present case on the border issue to World Court - June 25th. 2018

US intervention in Venezuela-British Guiana border dispute - June 3rd. 2018

Venezuelan NGO wants best team to present case to World Court - February 27th. 2018

Venezuela objects to World Court involvement to solve border controversy - February 2nd. 2018

Guyana urges no delay to judicial settlement of the border controversy
- September 27th. 2017

Voices of conscience must speak up for the persecuted Rohingya people - September 17th. 2017

Venezuelan minister urges: Know details of 1899 Award and Geneva Agreement - May 30th. 2017

ICJ adjudication of border issue draws nearer - July 12th. 2017

Challenges for Guyana's National Border Institute - October 5th. 2016

Economic incentives vital for development of the Guiana Shield - August 22nd. 2016

Plans advance for South American passport and citizenship - July 20th. 2016

The Venezuelan crisis: Offers of help from neighbors - June 16th. 2016

In aftermath of Ecuadorian earthquake . . . UNASUR and CELAC must expand mitigation methods to deal with natural disasters - May 4th. 2016

Guyana-Venezuela border issue: The juridical option for a solution - April 12th. 2016

Venezuelan opposition wants "mediation" of the border controversy with Guyana - February 15th. 2016

Latin American and Caribbean economies face slower growth this year - January 28th. 2016

CELAC summit to highlight strategies to combat poverty and economic inequalities - January 12th. 2016

The Anti-Chavista political swing in Venezuela - Its impact on Guyana and Caribbean relations - December 18th. 2015

Argentina's political change can influence changes in UNASUR's strategies - December 5th. 2015

UNASUR's lukewarm attitude to border crises - November 15th. 2015

Guyana's sovereignty over the Cuyuni River - October 31st. 2015

UNASUR confronts integration hurdles - June 22nd. 2013

UNASUR proposes single South American citizenship - December 6th. 2012

UNASUR applies "democracy clause" on Paraguay - September 5th. 2012

UNASUR advances defence transparency and energy integration - June 13th. 2012

UNASUR advances institutional building under Guyana's chairmanship - December 12th. 2011

New Secretary General tackles UNASUR challenges - May 29th. 2011

UNASUR's treaty becomes legally binding - December 31st. 2010

UNASUR Summit in Guyana Approves Democratic Protocol - November 28th. 2010

UNASUR to establish a "democracy clause" - October 29th. 2010

LAC region faces stiff challenges to achieve the MDGs - September 30th. 2010

UNASUR rejects FARC's mediation request - August 30th. 2010

UNASUR makes efforts to restore Colombia-Venezuela ties - July 31st. 2010

The campaign for full ratification of UNASUR's constituent treaty - June 29th. 2010

UNASUR moves to a new stage of transformation - May 28th. 2010

UNASUR to elect Secretary General at Argentina summit - April 27th. 2010

UNASUR Health Council promotes training and research - March 31st. 2010

UNASUR takes united action to rebuild Haiti - February 25th. 2010

United States and UNASUR to discuss security issues - January 28th. 2010

Climate change mitigation: A dire necessity for Latin America and the Caribbean - December 29th. 2009

Cultural industries growing in significance in Latin America and the Caribbean - November 26th. 2009

South-South cooperation advanced by ASA Summit - October 31st. 2009

Climate change poses economic challenges to Latin America and the Caribbean - September 29th. 2009

UNASUR pushes forward with continental integration . . . as leaders express unease over Colombia-US military pact - August 27th. 2009

Honduras coup reveals fragility of Latin American democracy - July 23rd. 2009

China's expanding relations with Latin America and the Caribbean - June 24th. 2009

Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean decline this year - May 27th. 2009

After the euphoria: The fifth Summit of the Americas in perspective - April 23rd. 2009

South American Defence Council moves to cement mutual trust - March 26th. 2009

World Social Forum urges solutions to pressing global concerns - February 26th. 2009

Latin American-Russian relations expand - January 22nd. 2009

UNASUR faces disagreement over leadership - December 24th. 2008

Great expectations for LAC-US relations - November 27th. 2008

The global economic crisis: A view from the South - October 25th. 2008

UNASUR facilitates dialogue in Bolivian crisis - September 27th. 2008

Petro-Caribe alliance tackles the food crisis - August 29th. 2008

Petro-Caribe alliance takes action on steep energy costs - July 26th.2008

Examining the "food crisis" in Latin America and the Caribbean - June 28th.2008

UNASUR constituent treaty propels South American integration - May 31st. 2008

South American nations to form security alliance - April 25th. 2008

Hemispheric resolution to the Ecuador-Colombia crisis - March 28th. 2008

UNASUR focuses on its constituent treaty - February 23rd. 2008

Wider international support for the New Global Human Order - January 24th. 2008

More social investment can further reduce regional poverty - December 30th. 2007

Latin American leaders promote social cohesion - November 25th. 2007

Banco del Sur becomes a reality - November 1st. 2007

South American and African nations plan to strengthen common bonds - September 29th. 2007

PetroCaribe summit promotes energy security - August 25th. 2007

South American countries examine migration issues - July 28th. 2007

Parliamentary Debate on African Slave Trade and Slavery - Speech by Hon. Moses V. Nagamootoo, M.P. July 27, 2007

Advancing integration between Caricom and Central America - July 4th. 2007

South American resistance to IMF and World Bank - May 26th. 2007

South American leaders put energy integration on front burner - April 26th. 2007

Rio Group strengthens itself and looks at social issues - March 26th. 2007

Integrating infrastructure in the Guiana Shield - February 22nd. 2007

Socialist ideology takes new roots in South America - January 29th. 2007

High-level commission to map ideas for South American union - December 31st. 2006

South American summit in Bolivia sets integration challenges - December 1st. 2006

South America-Africa summit to advance South-South cooperation - October 26th. 2006

The push for South American integration - September 24th. 2006

Is the failure of WTO talks destroying the Washington Consensus? - August 29th. 2006

Challenges for Guyana's South American leadership role - August 14th. 2006

Latin America-Caricom relations: Deserving economic benefits - July 1st. 2006

Fragments from memory: The long strides of patriots - May 29th. 2006 - by Moses V. Nagamootoo

Rifts appear in South American integration - May 27th. 2006

Is democracy losing its vitality in the hemisphere? - April 29th. 2006

Advancing the social agenda in South American countries - March 29th. 2006

Moving towards South American and Caribbean energy integration - February 25th. 2006

Guyana takes leadership of Rio Group - January 28th. 2006

Extreme poverty remains high in Latin America and the Caribbean - December 30th. 2005

Is the Summit of the Americas process facing a crisis? - November 27th. 2005

Preview of the Summit of the Americas. . . . Hemispheric leaders commit to fight poverty - November 1st. 2005

South American Community of Nations to map out economic strategies - September 24th. 2005

Is the Rio Group reflecting the state of politics in Latin America? - August 27th. 2005

The PetroCaribe agreement - It's more about easy financing rather than cheap oil - August 4th. 2005

Moses Nagamootoo's Interviews -- Transcripts (GNI Exclusive)

Democracy threatened by crime and violence - June 26th. 2005

South American and Arab nations draw closer together - May 28th. 2005

The South American Community grows as the OAS weakens - April 30th. 2005

What's happening with the FTAA negotiations? - March 19th. 2005

The Americas focus on cyber-security threats - February 12th. 2005

Establishing the community of South American Nations - December 7th. 2004

Advancing democracy with a social charter - October 22nd. 2004

Guyana Combats Human Trafficking - August 28th. 2004

The UNCTAD meeting - will poor countries benefit from it? - June 24th. 2004

Caricom can help FTAA process - February 13th. 2004

Caricom and concerns over the FTAA - January 8th. 2004

Democracy Faces New Challenges - December 20th. 2003 - by Dr. Odeen Ishmael

Re-Assessing Democracy in the Americas - November 21st. 2003 - by Dr. Odeen Ishmael

A year at the bar - October 25th. 2003 - by Moses V. Nagamootoo

Fragments from Memory: HOW WE CAME TO OCTOBER 5 - October 3rd. 2003 - by Moses V. Nagamootoo

A Personal Tribute to the Late Dr. Ptolemy Alexander Reid - September 24th. 2003 - by Festus L. Brotherson



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