General References
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1. Books
Adamson, Alan H., Sugar Without Slaves: The Political Economy of British Guiana, 1838-1904, New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1972.
Augier, F. R., et al., The Making of the West Indies, Longmans, London, 1960.
Bisnauth, Dale, History of Religions in the Caribbean, Africa World Press, Trenton, 1996.
Bolingbroke, Henry, A Voyage to Demerary 1799-1806, Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, 1941.
Brett, Rev. W.H., The Indian Tribes of Guiana, Their Condition and Habits, Bell & Baldy, London, 1868.
Bronkhurst, H. V. P., Among the Hindus and Creoles of British Guiana, London, 1888.
Bronkhurst, H. V. P., The Colony of British Guyana and its Labouring Population, London, 1883.
Cameron, Norman E., The Evolution of the Negro, 2 vols., Georgetown, Argosy Co., 1934.
Cameron, Norman E., 150 Years of Education in Guyana (1808-1957), published by the author, Georgetown, 1968.
Chamberlain, David, Smith of Demerara, London, 1924.
Chase, Ashton, A History of Trade Unionism in Guyana ,1900-1961, New Guyana Co., Ruimveldt, Demerara, 1964.
Clementi, Sir Cecil, A Constitutional History of British Guiana, Macmillan, London, 1937.
Clementi, Sir Cecil, The Chinese in British Guiana, Georgetown, 1915.
Dalton, Henry G., The History of British Guiana, 2 vols., London, 1855.
Daly, Vere T., The Making of Guyana, Macmillan, London, 1974.
Daly, Vere T., A Short History of the Guyanese People, Macmillan, London, 1975.
Des Voeux, Sir William, Experiences of a Demerara Magistrate, 1863-69, Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, 1948. (Guiana Edition No. 11).
Despres, Leo, Cultural Pluralism and Nationalist Politics in British Guiana, Rand Mc Nally, Chicago, 1967.
De Weever, Guy, The Children's Story of Guiana, Argosy, Georgetown, 1932.
Gordon, Shirley C., A Century of West Indian Education, Longmans, London, 1963.
Harris, C. A. and De Villiers, J. A. J., Storm van's Gravesande: The Rise of British Guiana, 2 vols., London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1911.
Hartsinck, J. J., "The Story of the Slave Rebellion in Berbice", Journal of the British Guiana Museum and Zoo, Daily Chronicle, Nos. 20-7.
Hill Coolies: A Brief Exposure of the Deplorable Condition of the Hill Coolies in British Guiana and Mauritius, Harvey and Darton, London, 1840.
Im Thurn, Everard F., Among the Indians of Guiana, Dover Publications, New York, 1967.
Ishmael, Odeen, Problems of the Transition of Education in the Third World - The Case of Guyana, UMI, Ann Arbor, 1989.
Ishmael, Odeen, Amerindian Legends of Guyana, Artex Publishing, Sheboygan, 1995.
Jayawardena, Chandra, Conflict and Solidarity in a Guianese Plantation, University of London, 1963.
Jagan, Cheddi, Forbidden Freedom, Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1954.
Jagan, Cheddi, The West on Trial, Michael Joseph, London, 1966.
Kirke, Henry, Twenty-Five Years in British Guiana, Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, 1948. (Guiana Edition No. 12).
Lutchman, Harold, Constitutional Developments in Guyana During the Second World War, Department of Political Science, University of Guyana, Georgetown, 1972.
Mangru, Basdeo, Indians in Guyana, Adams Press, Chicago, 1999
Mc Gowan, Winston, et al (eds.), Themes in African-Guyanese History, Free Press, Georgetown, 1998.
Menezes, Mary Noel (ed.), The Amerindians in Guyana 1803-73 - A Documented History, Frank Cass & Co., London, 1979.
Menezes, Mary Noel, British Policy Towards the Amerindians in British Guiana 1803-1873, Oxford University Press, 1977.
Nath, Dwarka, A History of Indians in British Guiana, Nelson, London, 1950.
Netscher, P. M., History of the Colonies: Essequebo, Demerary, and Berbice: From the Dutch Establishment to the year 1888, trans. by W. E. Roth, Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, 1931.
Parry, J. H. and Sherlock, P. M., A Short History of the West Indies, Macmillan, London, 1971.
Payne, Hugh, 10 Days in August 1834, Caribbean Diaspora Press, Brooklyn, 2001.
Pinckard, G., Letters From Guiana 1796-97, Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, 1942. (Guiana Edition No. 5).
Reno, Philip, The Ordeal of British Guiana, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1964.
Rodway, James, Guiana: British, Dutch and French, Fisher Unwin, London, 1912.
Rodway, James, History of British Guiana from 1668, 3 vols., J. Thomson, Georgetown, 1891-94.
Rodway, James, Story of Georgetown, Argosy Co., Georgetown, 1920.
Ruhomon, Peter, A Centenary History of the East Indians in British Guiana, 1838-1938, Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, 1947, (Guiana Edition No. 10).
Schomburgk, Robert, A Description of British Guiana, London, 1840.
Schomburgk, Robert, Travels in British Guiana 1840-44, 2 vols., trans. and edited by W. E. Roth, Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, 1922-3.
Shahabuddeen, Mohamed, From Plantocracy to Nationalisation - A Profile of Sugar in Guyana, University of Guyana, 1983.
Simms, Peter, Trouble in Guyana, Allen & Unwin, London, 1966.
Smith, Raymond T., British Guiana, Oxford University Press, London, 1962.
Sue-a-Quan, Trev, Cane Ripples - The Chinese in Guyana, Cane Press, Vancouver, 1999
Sue-a-Quan, Trev, Cane Reapers - Chinese Indentured Immigrants in Guyana, Riftwood Publishing, Vancouver, 1999.
Sundararajan, Saroja, From Bondage to Deliverance – Indentured Labour in Mauritius and British Guiana, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
US Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume XII - American Republics, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1996.
US Department of State, Foreign Relations, 1964-1968, Volume XXXII, Dominican Republic; Cuba; Haiti; Guyana, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 2005.
Wallbridge, Rev. E. A., The Demerara Martyr, Daily Chronicle, Georgetown, 1943. (Guiana Edition No.6).
Webber, Alfred R. F., Centenary History and Handbook of British Guiana, Argosy Co., Georgetown, 1931.
Williams, Eric, From Columbus to Castro, André Deutsch, London, 1970.
2. Online Publications:
Declassified Documents on British Guiana. (Extracted from the US Department of State publication, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume XII - American Republics.) ( ). See also:
Additional Declassified Documents released by the US Department. (
Declassified Documents on British Guiana. (Extracted from the US Department of State publication, Foreign Relations of the United States 1964-1968, Volume XXXII - Dominican Republic; Cuba; Haiti; Guyana..) ( See also:
Ishmael, Odeen, The Trail of Diplomacy - A Documentary History of the Guyana-Venezuela Border Controversy, 1998 (
Ishmael, Odeen (ed.), Guyana's Western Border, 2001 (
Jagan and Burnham in India, Edited by Odeen Ishmael
Raleigh, Walter, The Discovery of Guiana, 1595, Published online by Internet Modern History Sourcebook (
Report of the British Guiana Constitutional Commission 1954: (Robertson Commission Report).
Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Disturbances in British Guiana in February 1962 (Wynn Parry Report), Edited by Odeen Ishmael .
Report of the Wismar, Christianburg and Mackenzie Commission: (Wismar Report) 1965.
Report of the International Commission of Jurists on Racial Problems in the Public Service, 1965.
Reports by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk.
The Guyana-Suriname Boundary - A Historical Review
The Suspension of the British Guiana Constitution - 1953 (Declassified British documents) Editor: Odeen Ishmael
The British Declassified Files on British Guiana - 1958-1964 Editor: Odeen Ishmael.
3. Reports
British Guiana; Suspension of the Constitution, Report, Cmd. 8895, 1953.
British Guiana Constitutional Commission, Report, Cmd. 9274, 1954.
Report on visit to West Indies and British Guiana 1921-2, by E. F. L. Wood, Cmd. 1679, 1922.
British Guiana Development Programme, Report, by Kenneth Berrill, British Guiana Sessional Paper 2/1960.
British Guiana Constitutional Conference, Report, Cmd. 998, 1960.
British Guiana Constitutional Instruments, 1961, for British Guiana Government, 1961.
Commission of Inquiry into Disturbances in British Guiana in February, 1962, Report, Cal. 354, 1962.
British Guiana Independence Conference, Report, Cmd. 1870, 1962.
British Guiana Conference, 1963, Report, Cmd. 2203, 1963.
British Guiana Independence Conference, Report, Cmd. 2849, 1965
Financial Position, Report, By K. C. Jacobs, Col. 358, 1964.
Local Government in British Guiana, Report, by A. H. Marshall, Argosy, Georgetown, 1955.
Report of the Constitutional Commission, 1950-51 (Waddington Commission Report) Colonial No. 280
United States Commission on Boundary Between Venezuela and British Guiana. Report and Accompanying Papers of the Commission Appointed by the President of the United States "to Investigate and Report Upon the True Divisional Line Between the Republic of Venezuela and British Guiana", Volume I - Historical.
West India Royal Commission, Report, C. 8655, 1898.
West India Royal Commission 1938-9 Report, by W. E. Moyne, Cmd. 6607, 1945. Commission of Inquiry into the Sugar Industry of British Guiana, Report, Cal. no. 249, 1949.
4. Newspapers - Dailies and Weeklies (pre-June 1966)
Catholic Standard
Evening Post
Guiana Graphic
Indian Opinion
Labour Advocate
The Colonist
The Creole
The Liberal
The Royal Gazette
Weekend Post
5. Journals