Posted August 9th.1999
Articles taken from Stabroek News and The Guyana Chronicle
Editorial by Stabroek News
The stunning announcement last evening by President Janet Jagan that she is stepping down for health reasons and handing over the Presidency to Finance Minister Bharrat Jagdeo marks the end of an important era in the ruling party's history and the beginning of a new and challenging one.
As Mrs Jagan demits office this week, the People's Progressive Party (PPP) will effectively be without a Jagan at the helm for the first time in the 49 years of its history. While Mrs Jagan will undoubtedly remain active in the party and the political arena it will be from the fringes and not from the seat of power. How the party journeys from this point onwards will be of immense interest to the public.
It is 56 years now since Mrs Jagan first came to Guyana and embarked with her husband, the late President Cheddi Jagan, on their odyssey to free Guyana of the shackles of colonial domination and to build a better future for its people. The quality of that commitment and dedication - no matter what her detractors say - is unquestionable and the entire country owes a debt of gratitude to her and must be grateful for her contribution. It is significant that in our `What the people say' feature today that seven out of 10 persons canvassed named Mrs Jagan among those who should be considered as Guyana's `Woman of the century'.
Despite her own frail health, Mrs Jagan accepted the mantle of leading the party in the wake of the death of President Jagan in 1995 as it was felt that she was the figure around whom the party could build another successful campaign. She accepted the challenge and courageously led her party to a new term in 1997. Despite the most horrendous type of political pressure and agitation she persevered until suffering a heart ailment earlier this year. We wish Mrs Jagan many fruitful years of semi-retirement.
The instruments of the executive presidency will now be passed to Finance Minister Jagdeo and we congratulate him on his elevation. His task in serving out the remainder of this term until the 2001 elections will not be an easy one. There are two pressing areas that Mr Jagdeo and his government will no doubt see as priorities for the remainder of this term.
The first is to guide the ship of state through the turbulent and tricky waters of constitutional reform and political reconciliation. It has never been clearer than it is now that the political divisions that have rent the nation over the past two years or so need to be healed comprehensively to pave the way for progress that isn't of the stop-start quality. Mr Jagdeo will have to show an even greater commitment to making all segments of society feel that they have a real stake in Guyana's future. Perhaps an early meeting with PNC leader, Desmond Hoyte with a defined agenda could set the pace for this healing.
The second priority would be to redouble efforts to reinvigorate the economy, empower the local manufacturing sector, stabilise the exchange rate and attract new significant, export-oriented investment. As Minister of Finance, Mr Jagdeo has presided over this portfolio with mixed results and he has been criticised for not doing enough or not being able to convince Cabinet to go the full monty and introduce bold innovations. The 1999 budget was criticised for lacking a vision and perhaps with the presidency firmly in his grasp Mr Jagdeo will be able to spark an economic resurgence.
The manner of the switch in presidents also poses dilemmas for the PPP.
In successive terms, neither of its two designated candidates have been able to serve out their terms. Dr Jagan died in the fourth year of his term and Mrs Jagan has served 20 months of what was originally a five-year term but which was then cut to 36 months via the Herdmanston Accord. Clearly in any future election and not only for the PPP, the health of the presidential candidate will have to be a major consideration.
Secondly, it seems that Mr Jagdeo is serving out this term on the basis of a pledge that had been made prior to the `97 elections that the `A' team third candidate would replace Mrs Jagan if she was unable to complete her term. The prevailing view is that this `A' team is not immutable and is not guaranteed to be the slate that will be presented at the 2001 elections. The PPP has an important decision to make about succession and the sooner it is made, the clearer the country will be about where precisely the power levers reside.
If Mr Jagdeo is not the automatic presidential nominee for the 2001 elections, inevitably behind-the-scenes party manoeuvring can have a debilitating impact on the presidency. It will also mean that his authority to govern will be somewhat limited and Cabinet may collectively play a stronger role in decision-making.
An urgent decision will also have to be made on the finance and trade portfolios. It is unlikely that Mr Jagdeo can perform the functions of President and at the same time be a full-time Finance Minister.
The naming of Mr Jagdeo as President also represents a sea-change of another type. For the first time in a long period, the country is being led by someone in the mid-30's and someone who will have a head start on his party rivals for the 2001 elections. Does this put pressure on the PNC at all in relation to its leadership?
The impact of Mrs Jagan's departure and Mr Jagdeo's preferment will undoubtedly be lasting. But only with time will the nature of the impact be evident.
Citing health reasons, President Janet Jagan yesterday announced her imminent resignation making way for Finance Minister Bharrat Jagdeo to become the country's seventh President. In the first stage of a manoeuvre to comply with constitutional requirements, Prime Minister Sam Hinds yesterday tendered his resignation and this was accepted by the President, according to a statement last evening from the Office of the President. Hinds departure as PM will enable Jagdeo to be sworn in as PM. This ceremony is set for 9 am today in the Cabinet Room, Office of the President. President Jagan is then expected to resign as President after which Jagdeo will automatically move up to that spot and reappoint Hinds as PM. Announcing her intention to resign simultaneously on the state-owned radio and television stations at 17:00 hrs, Mrs Jagan said that the choice of her successor reflected a promise to the electorate and assured all concerned "that the responsibilities of good and strong leadership will be guaranteed". Stating that "the time has come for me to take a decision which I have been considering over the past month, Mrs Jagan said that she had considered at length and consulted close colleagues on the question of continuing in office as president. "It is now my firm and studied conviction that I can no longer offer to the nation the vigorous and strong leadership that I had sought to provide during my 20 months as the lawfully and duly elected President of the Republic of Guyana", she said. Mrs Jagan said that when she became ill last month on her return from the Rio de Janeiro Summit of Leaders of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, she was advised to seek further tests abroad in spite of hospitalisation in Guyana and medical tests in Trinidad. Despite assurances "that my condition is not life threatening, I found that my energy and stamina have been seriously reduced", she said. Mrs Jagan was said to have had a slight heart attack and is suffering from angina. Her doctors have put her on an aggressive medical regimen. As such, she said she wished to announce her resignation and to fulfill the promise of the `A' Team concept she made during the 1997 elections campaign. The `A' Team comprises herself, Prime Minister Hinds and Jagdeo. It was stated during the elections campaign that should anything happen to her a "clear cut means" would be used to replace the President by the third member of the `A' team who was Jagdeo, with Hinds retaining his position in the post allotted to the Civic component of the PPP/Civic alliance. Speaking of Jagdeo, she said that he is youthful and has presided admirably over the important Ministry of Finance. She said that he is firm in dealing with government business and is not afraid to make decisions. He will be aided by many veterans in the field of politics and those who have experience in running the affairs of this country. Stating that she brought all her years of experience to the highest office and had sought to maintain the dignity of this office, she said that it is imporatnt for the country to be led by people who have the wisdom to know what is best in the interest of society. Speaking about her term in office she said that "we have put Guyana back on track. There is more hope for a bright future". She added that "more and more people" are using their creativity to create wealth and to be part of the process of nation building and "more and more people" feel that they have a stake in the country and want to see it develop and flourish". She lamented that a glaring feature of the Guyanese society, especially since the 1997 general elections is that "we have not enjoyed the political peace so necessary for advancement and change". However, she offered that as an optimist, she knows that peace will come in time. Stating that she was encouraged by history, the past and present, here at home and in the world at large, Mrs Jagan said that "we are not alone in being beset by unreasonable and uncivilised behaviour of an opposition that cannot accept the results of democratic elections". Quoting from an episode in which early American President Thomas Jefferson's attorney general warned him about the "perverse, hostile and malignant state of the opposition, with facility of imposing on the public mind and producing excitements, every measure originating with the executive will be attacked with virulence". Mrs Jagan argued that such oppostion was overcome and America went on to become a powerful nation. Her government and herself, she pointed out have been criticised for being "too `soft'" and "too `weak'" in dealing with those who want to destroy the nation's gains. She added that her government's attitude has been "one of patience and we realised that our state and government, not the opposition or destructive elements, have the responsibility to see to it that this society does not descend into anarchy. We need to have great political wisdom and prevent racial conflagration by finding new ways to solve the problems of a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society". The opposition by now, she posited, must know the response of society at large to the destruction they have caused both to the economy and to the social fabric of the nation. As a politician with some 50 years experience in this country, she assured that such tactics can cost votes. She added "and that is what they will reap - the wrath of the people". Commenting on the present and future of the nation, she said that the process of healing the wounds of the nation continues. However, she said this will take courage and strong will. "To bring peace requires understanding and this must be done without violence and disruption of the daily lives of our people", she averred, adding that there "must be reasonableness and a will to find common grounds if there is to be peace, progress and prosperity". She warned that "the future of this country is at stake and we cannot let the iron fist rule. We have had enough of that. Our task is to unite the nation and to do this we must strive for better ethnic and cultural understanding and give assurances of security to those who feel insecure". Remarking on the goodwill and support she received throughout her term in office, Mrs Jagan forwarded that the government which she led for 20 months has had several important objectives, many of which have been achieved with concrete steps in train to achieve others". The foundation policies of her administration, she said were clearly outlined by her predecessor and late husband, Dr Jagan whose vision of a united, free and prosperous Guyana continues to define "our work on behalf of the people". Dr Jagan's administration in just four and a half years succeeded in stemming the slide that was evident in the society for decades, she asserted. His adminstration had the task of consolidating democracy which was won after a long and hard battle involving many Guyanese "who may or may not support the PPP/Civic". "The protection of our democracy", she said "is vital for the development of our country. Its protection and deepening is a matter for all Guyanese". She added that "we all cherish this freedom and we must see to it that at all costs there must never be a return to authoritarianism and rigged elections. The results of that part of our history are still here for us to see". Secondly, she said it was the objective of her government to rebuild the economic and social foundations of the society and to launch out on the development course which would see Guyana coming out of its underdeveloped state. In building a new society. She contended that "we have sought to encourage genuine partnerships with the main players in civic society, especially the private sector and organisations of the working people". In conclusion, Mrs Jagan thanked Hinds, Cabinet colleagues, the staff of the Office of the President, the Commissioner of Police Laurie Lewis and the Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force Major General Joe Singh and other hard working people in government. She issued special thanks to her PPP colleagues who "walked with me and my husband all these years. I want to give a big thank you to all those people who voted for me and the PPP/Civic alliance in the last elections". She assured that she would not be going into retirement. "And, of course, I am not going anywhere. I will be around to assist in whatever way I can", she noted.
THE following is the text of President Janet Jagan's address to the nation, first broadcast on GBC at 17:00 hours August 8th. 1999.
THE time has now come for me to take a decision, which I have been considering over the past
When I became ill on the eve of my return from Rio de Janeiro Summit of leaders of the European
Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, I spent a little time in hospital and then had medical
tests in Trinidad.
From these, I was advised to seek further tests abroad, and then proceeded to the USA where I
was under the care of a Guyanese doctor whom I have known since his childhood.
Despite the assurances that my condition is not life threatening, I found that my energy and
stamina have been seriously reduced.
I considered at length and consulted close colleagues on the question of my continuing in
office as President. It is now my firm and studied conclusion that I can no longer offer to the
nation the vigorous and strong leadership that I had sought to provide during my 20 months as
the lawfully and duly elected President of the Republic of Guyana.
I, therefore, wish to announce that I intend to resign my position as President and to fulfil
the promise I made during the 1997 election campaign.
At the time, the PPP/Civic had announced the concept of the `A' Team, made up of myself, Prime
Minister Samuel Hinds and Finance Minister, Bharrat Jagdeo.
It was stated at public meetings and through campaign material that should anything happen to
the President, clear cut means would be used to replace the President by the third member of
the `A' Team, Bharrat Jagdeo, with the Prime Minister retaining his position in the post
allotted to the Civic component of the PPP/Civic alliance.
Therefore, I am overseeing the implementation of this promise to the electorate and am assuring
all concerned that the responsibilities of good and strong leadership will be guaranteed.
I would like to remark upon the extreme goodwill and support which I received throughout my
time in office.
The PPP/Civic government which I have led for 20 months has had several important objectives,
many of which have been achieved with concrete steps in train to achieve others.
The foundation policies of the PPP/Civic administration have been clearly outlined by our first
democratically-elected President, Dr. Cheddi Jagan.
His vision of a Guyana that is united, free and prosperous continues to define our work on
behalf of the people.
His administration, in just four and a half years, succeeded in stemming the slide that was
evident in our society for decades.
First of all, we have had the task of consolidating democracy which was won after a long and
hard battle and which involved a great many Guyanese who may or may not support the PPP/Civic.
The protection of our democracy is vital for the development of our country. Its protection and
deepening is a matter for all Guyanese.
We all cherish this new freedom and we must see to it that at all cost there must never be a
return to authoritarianism and rigged elections.
The results of that part of our history are still here for us to see.
Secondly, it has been the objective of my government to rebuild the economic and social
foundations of the society and to launch out on a development course which would see Guyana
coming out of its under-developed state.
And, we intend to do so with the interest of the people at the centre of our strategy.
Our open economic system is intended to bring growth and human development. In building a new
society we have sought to encourage genuine partnerships with the main players in civic
society, especially the private sector and organisations of the working people.
What is of importance is that we have put Guyana back on track. There is more hope for a bright
future. More and more people are using their creativity to create wealth and to be part of the
process of nation building.
More and more people feel that they have a stake in this country and want to see it develop and
A glaring feature of our society, especially since the 1997 general elections is that we have
not enjoyed the political peace so necessary for advancement and change.
Bu as an optimist, I know that these will come in time. I am encouraged by history, the past
and present, here at home and in the world at large. We are not alone in being beset by
unreasonable and uncivilised behaviour of an opposition that cannot accept the results of
democratic elections.
It is nothing new. Reading American history recently I came across an episode in which the
early President Thomas Jefferson was warned by his Attorney General that "because of the
perverse, hostile and malignant state of the opposition, with facility of imposing on the
public mind and producing excitements, every measure originating with the executive will be
attacked with virulence". Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Yet such opposition was overcome and the
USA went on to become a powerful nation. It is not my intention to compare the United States
with Guyana, but simply reminding ourselves that an unreasonable opposition cannot hold back
growth and development once the leadership and people stand firm.
My government, and myself, have been criticised for being too `soft' and `weak' as regards
dealing with those who want to destroy our gains as a nation. Our attitude has been one of
patience and we realised that the state and government, not the opposition or destructive
elements, have the responsibility to see to it that the society does not descend into anarchy.
We needed to have great political wisdom and prevent racial conflagration by finding new ways
to solve the problems of a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. The opposition, by now,
must know the response of society at large to the destruction they have caused both to the
economy and to the social fabric of the nation. As a politician with some 50 years experience
in this country, I can assure you that such tactics can cost votes. And that is what they will
reap - the wrath of the people.
The PPP/Civic government stands for development and people. I have brought all my years of
experience to the highest office, and have sought to maintain the dignity of this office. It is
important for our country to be led by people who have the wisdom to know what is the best in
the interest of society. Dr Jagan brought dignity to this country. So did Mr Samuel Hinds. I am
confident that the new President, Mr Bharrat Jagdeo, will do the same. He is youthful and has
presided admirably over the important Ministry of Finance. I know that he is firm in dealing
with government business and is not afraid to make decisions. His office requires that kind of
firmness. He will be aided by many veterans in the field in politics and those who have
experience in running the affairs of the country. I am indeed leaving a strong and united team
to lead the country. And, of course, I am not going anywhere. I will be around to assist in
whatever way I can.
The process of healing the wounds of our nation continues. This will take courage and strong
will. To bring peace requires understanding and this must be done without violence or
disruption of the daily lives of our people. There must be reasonableness and a will to find
common grounds if there is to be peace, progress and prosperity. The future of this country is
at stake and we cannot allow the iron fist to rule. We have had enough of that. Our task is to
unite and to do this we must strive for better ethnic and cultural understanding and give
assurances of security to those who feel insecure.
I wish to thank Prime Minister Sam Hinds who has been a constant support, my Cabinet
colleagues, the staff of the Office of the President, the Commissioner of Police and Chief of
Staff and all the other hard-working people in government. A special thanks to my colleagues in
the PPP and its leadership who have walked with me and my husband all these years. I will
continue to be in their company in coming years. I want to give a big thank you to all those
people who voted for me and the PPP/Civic alliance in the last elections. I thank them for
their faith in me and their continuing support. Lastly, I want to thank the thousands from all
walks of life who have welcomed me in their homes, who have visited me in my office, who have
written me and who have sent me photographs, messages of support and have kept me aware of the
problems and aspirations of the Guyanese people. Meeting you, my Guyanese friends, was the best
part of the job.
Long live Guyana.
Noting that the late President, Dr Cheddi Jagan and Prime Minister Hinds brought dignity to the office, Mrs Jagan said that she is confident that Jagdeo will maintain the dignity of the office of the president. Jagdeo will serve for about 16 months until the next elections.