Topics on Guyanese Post-Independence History
By Dr. Odeen Ishmael
© 2005 - Odeen Ishmael

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Updated February 2010

1. How the American Government helped Burnham to rig the 1968 elections

2. The December 1968 Electoral Fraud

3. The PNC's Nationalisation Policy of the 1970s

4. The PNC Regime's Shifting Ideological Positions in the 1970s

5. The Failure of Burnham’s “Feed, Clothe and House the Nation” Plan

6. The 1980 Guyana Elections – Virtual army coup kept PNC in power

7. The Rupununi Revolt

8. The Ankoko Incursion

9. Guyana-Suriname border issue: From the 1960s to 2004

10. The rigged referendum of 1978

11. How the PNC rigged itself a two-thirds majority in 1973

12. The Arnold Rampersaud trials

13. The rigged 1985 elections in Guyana

14. The offer of "critical support" by the PPP

15. Mass murder, secret plots and political assassinations in Guyana (1978-1980)

16. The PPP proposal for a National Patriotic Front

17. The Upper Mazaruni hydro-electric project

18. Guyana's economic decline during 1985-1991

19. Aspects of Guyana's foreign policy during 1966-1970

20. The intensified struggle for electoral reforms in Guyana (1990-1992)

21. The formation of the PPP-Civic alliance

22. The October 1992 elections: The restoration of democracy in Guyana

23. The pattern of political repression by the PNC regime

24. The fraudulent local government elections in 1970

25. The rush towards privatisation (1989-1992)

26. Economic aggression and new maritime claims by Venezuela (1967-1968)

27. The Protocol of Port of Spain (1970)

28. The elusive search for political unity (1975-1982)

29. Guyana-Venezuelan relations from 1970 to 1980

30. The termination of the Protocol of Port of Spain

31. Guyana-Venezuela economic cooperation (1985-1992)

32. The political and economic situation in 1966-1967

33. The 135-day sugar industry strike